The global Tunnelling and Underground space market was worth $94B as at 2017(from the International Tunnelling & Underground Space Association market survey,2017), a rise of 23% from 2013 (Noting that Tunnelling and Underground Space market accounts for 7% of Global Infrastructure market)

Africa currently captures just 2% of the global Tunnelling and Underground Space market largely due to hydro power projects dotted around the continent with a few transportation applications in Northern and Sothern Africa as well as Integrated Water and Sewage management in very few places.

ROWGA is now looking to work with Governments to help cities develop solutions that will enable the sustainable and majorly non-disruptive integration of Tunnelling and Underground space use as part of their city’s developmental agendas. This will be delivered through a combination of:

  • Advisory and Consultation
  • Research and Development

Services geared toward developing legislative and socio-economic policies as well as bespoke concepts feasibility solutions that will help African cities capture extensive value from Tunnelling and Underground space use.

Our team of experts comprising personnel with experience from all the world and our global strategic partners are looking forward to help your organisation optimise Tunnelling and Underground Space use for their cities.